
Friday 20 May 2016

The moment of mother's day.

Card giving.
Mother's Day
One strange morning, I got up really hungry and went down stairs with my mum weirdly and angrily staring at me then I said to her “ Ummm, hi?” as I went past her going downstairs.
After I got downstairs I thought she must be angry at dad.
I thought again……….damn it.  I go rushing upstairs just as she calls out “ Ssssia” as she gently calms down.
“I am so sorry mum,” as I am still puffing, “ but  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!” and she is still staring at me angrily with a red face.
So I go to get the card for my mum. I worked really hard on this card and I hoped that she would feel special.
Having a mum is really connectable for me, we fight to stay together and forever, so this mother's day, is going to be best and maybe the most delightful moment of her life.
Then I give her a kiss and a hug. I tried to sneak away quietly but she said “ nah nah nope!” I sighed and I kind of grumped because all the fault was pointing to me.
Later, she finished reading and gave me a hug  and a kiss HAPPILY!!! (this time)

Here is a photo of my beautiful mother.
Love you,mum and I will never forget you.

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