
Monday, 9 December 2019

Big Friendly Giant.

Monday 09 December.
Task: State 10 descriptions of the BFG from the short clip provided. 

  1. He is a scary looking giant
  2. He is skinny
  3. He is tall
  4. He has big ears
  5. He has long feet
  6. He has ripped clothes
  7. He has large ears
  8. He has huge lips
  9. He is hair
  10. He has huge eyes


Kia ora tātou
Greetings all

Ko Mt Wellington te maunga

Ko Omaru te awa

Nō Auckland, NZ ahau

Ko Sia tōku ingoa

Lorde Profile Page.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu.

Wednesday 27 November 
Today we didn't cook. Mrs Tuipulotu's previous class kindly prepared and cooked the meal for us. So all we had to do was clean. She did this because she knew we were slow and this meal would've been difficult for us to cook and we would've wasted a lot of time. 

Today's meal: Hangi.
Step 1: Dice the - 
        Vegetables (slice)
        Onions (square)
        Carrots (square)
        Cabbage (slice)
        Orange Kumaras (slice n dice)
        Potatoes (square)
        Pumpkin (square)
        Chicken (cut in half)

Step 2: Put the chicken in first and top up with vegetables, spices, and salt. 
Step 3: bake on 180 degrees for 40 minutes. 
Last step: Serve & Enjoy!! 

Judgement, Choices and Life After Death.

Wednesday 27 November. 
Today in Religious Education, we reflected on our Communion of Saints strand. We had to state what we found difficult and what we enjoyed. The three top squares state what we struggled with. The bottom three squares state what we enjoyed. The middle two we worked together to write. It states how judgement, choices and life after death come together. 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Favorite Manaiakalani Movie.

Monday 25 November

My favorite movie was "Never Give Up" filmed by Glen Taylor students in Room 13. I really enjoyed watching this movie because it was very inspiring and motivating! You could tell they put so much effort into filming this movie. It was motivating because they filmed their failures at first, then filmed how they trained to become successful within what they achieving e.g, rugby, netball and swimming. To conclude their movie, they stood in solidarity and said a bible scripture: "Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". That was also very inspiring! My take off this movie was learning to be confident within my talents and never give up! I also learned that mistakes are good, they are to be learned from.

Friday, 22 November 2019

My First Week At Our New School

Friday 22 November
This week has gone good so far! I really enjoy working in an open space, I find it really helpful. Despite all the noise, it helps me to use my initiative. My highlight this week was kiwisport. We played chain tag. We learned to stick together and work together as a team. I don't have any lowlights about this week, this week was great! I'm hoping to end off the year like this.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu

Wednesday 20 November
Today we cooked Mince Gravy. 
Step 1: Dice the onion
Step 2: Add the mince
Step 3: Add the mixed vegetables
Step 4: Add 1 tablespoon of flour with all spices for taste
Step 5: Serve it with rice
Last Step: Enjoy & Eat! 

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu.

Wednesday 6 November
Today we cooked Bean and Vegetable Patties.
Step 1: Mash the bean using the potato masher.
Step 2: Dice the onion and red pepper
Step 3: Crate zucchini and carrot using the cheese crater 
Step 4: Combine all your vegetables, bean and two eggs and mix well
Step 5: Form a pattie shape with your batch.
Step 6: Fry it until ready.
Last step: serve and enjoy!!

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu.

Wednesday 30 October
Step 1: Paste the top of the pizza bread with tomato sauce.
Step 2: Dice red pepper, tomato, red onion, ham
Step 3: Spread all your vegetables, ham, cheese, pineapples on top. Put sauce on top and bake for 15 minutes. 
Last Step: serve & enjoy!!

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu

Wednesday 23 October. 
Chicken Curry.
Step 1: Dice the potatoes
Step 2: Boil the potatoes until it is soft. 
Step 3: Dice the chicken. 
Step 4: Fry it until it is cooked
Step 5: Add curry and spices
Step 6: Add vegetables and potato
Last step: serve & enjoy!

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu.

Wednesday 16 October

Today we cooked Fettuccine.
Steps & Ingredients:
Step 1 - Boil Fettuccine with 2cups of water until it is soft.  
Step 2 - Fry the mince with onion until it is cooked.
Step 3: Scrape succinic using the vegetable grater. 
Step 4: Pour in the cream and then add the pasta. 
Step 5: Serve and eat. 
Optional: add salt for taste. 

Friday, 27 September 2019

Favorite Book This Term

Friday 27 September
Task: fill in this template using your favorite book from the books you read this term.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu.

Wednesday 25 September
Step 1: 1 1/2 cup of self raising flour
Step 2: 1/4 cup of cocoa
Step 3: 1/2 cup of sugar
Step 4: 1 egg
Step 5: 1/2 cup of milk
Step 6: 1/2 of oil
Last step: mix well. 
Put it in the cupcake trays. Then put it in the oven on 180° , keep checking with a kebab stick until there is no batter sticking onto it. When it's ready you take it out & ENJOY! 

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu

Wednesday 18 September
Today we made lasagne.
We used:
- Pasta
- Mince
- Tomato Sauce
- Onions

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu.

Wednesday 11 September.
Today we cooked english breakfast. 
We used:
- 2 sausages each
- 1 egg each
- baked beans
- 2 pieces of ham each
- 2 breads each

Friday, 6 September 2019

My family in Tongan.

Friday 06 September

This week is Tongan Language Week. Mrs Tui gave the Tongan students the task to teach the non-Tongan students their family members in Tongan. This is what I produced^.

Happy Tongan Language Week!

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Cooking with Mrs Tuipulotu

Wednesday 4 September
1. Boil pasta with 2 1/2 c of cold water until it is soft.

2. drain under cold water using the colander.

3. dice, onion, red pepper.

4. mix all with mayonnaise.

5. serve on a white plate.-

Thursday, 22 August 2019

The Life of St Pius.

Thursday 22 August
Learn: To identify something in the life of St. Pius X that is of importance /interesting to you. Explain and give your reason.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Hard Material

Wednesday 31 July

In Hard Material, I decided to create a piano. I'm creating this piano for my sister because she has many small objects and always tends to lose them. She has no place to stall them. I reckoned that this will be finished by the time of her birthday. If not, I'll just have to save it until then. Also because she enjoys playing the piano. 

The Process of making this Piano:

Step 1:
I used a pencil and a ruler to make a full size working drawing of my Piano because I had to find the measurements of my piano.

Step 2:
I used a Pencil, Tri-Square and a ruler to copy the measurements from my drawing onto the piece of wood. 

Step 3:
I marked a square line (at 90degrees) across and using a Pencil and a Tri - Square.

Step 4:
I cut off the first piece of wood using a backed saw. 

Step 5:
I then marked out the 2 joint lines using a Tri - Square and a pencil.

Step 6: 
Sir used a marking gauge to make a dented line on the side of the wood in between the lines I drew. 

Step 7:
I saw cut the lines until I reached the marking gauge dented line. This would make it easier for the next step.

Step 8: 
I then used a wood chisel to chisel out the wood between the lines and stopped at the dented gauge line. I did this to insert the wood to make a joint.

Step 9:
The space that I chiseled wasn't a bit too confined for the wood to fit in. The wood would be stuck the space. So then Sir suggested I sand the wood going into the space so it would fit.

Step 10: 
After that, Sir glued in the joint. I waited for it to dry.

Step 11: 
The next week, I made another joint for the other side of the wood to go into. Making this joint included all the steps above. 

Step 12:
I marked the lines of a piano. Sir cut the sides into the shape of the piano.

Step 13:
Sir glued a thin piece of wood to the back of the piano. I waited another week for that to dry.

Step 14:
The next week, sir cut out another thin piece of wood to make the space to insert small objects. He glued it on and the holidays came.

Step 15:
The next term, Sir glued on the knob at the top of the piano. That was the knob to use to open up to the space.

Step 16: 
I rubbed all mistakes out and sanded the wood that was uneven.

Step 17:
I measured lines for the keyboard. Sir generously made me a small tri - square because the original tri - square is too large.

Step 18:
Glue a note holder at the top of the keys. 

Step 19:
Glue 2 pieces of wood in the shape of pedals at the bottom to complete it.

Friday, 9 August 2019


Friday 09 August
Learn: To understand the relationship of numbers/numerals


Friday 09 August
Task: Continue on from the first paragraph set for you.

Kate glanced across at Jessica and noticed that she was nervous too.
The guides had checked everyone’s equipment thoroughly and now the group was about
to abseil down a sheer rock face into the eerie, unknown depth of a cave.

They walked through an exit and watched from afar, they watched the glistening yellow
sun go down. They all sat on the rough edge of the cliff. After a while, the clouds started
to cover up the sun. They thought it was going to block their view, so they got up and
continued exploring. 

They went back into the cave decided to split up. They all took cameras to capture
moments they’d like to share with the group. 

Kate and Jessica went through the tunnel that looked less horrifying.
As they walked through the tunnel of stranded webs, they heard a noise coming from
where they previously were. They thought that it was the rest of the group, so they
ignored it. They continued to walk but the noise grew louder and came closer to them.
They tried their best to ignore it as they were terrified of it. Suddenly, the noise had
finally stopped. They were relieved.

They stopped for a drink of water. As Kate grabbed the water bottle, Jessica heard the
noise again. It came from in front of them. “I’ll be back Kate”. And just as Kate went to
stop her, she looked up and Jessica was nowhere in sight! Kate was worried, her face
turned red as a ripe tomato. “JESSICA, JESSICA!” Kate shouted as loud as she could,
still no reply. She stood still like a possum in shock and dropped her water bottle. 
"AAARRGGHHHHH!!" shouted Jessica as her wire suddenly snapped, standing
between a crack in the hollow ground! "JESSICA!! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Kate wondered around the cave but couldn't seem to find Jessica! Kate dropped to
her knees and cried hopelessly. "I knew we shouldn't have come! JESSICA!!"
exclaimed Kate.

"HAHAHAHA, YOU REALLY THOUGHT!" Jessica cackled with such an evil laugh
as she appeared out of nowhere.
To Be Continued

Friday, 2 August 2019

Recalling Mary's Life.

Friday 2 August.

My favorite scripture is when Mary visited Elizabeth. That just shows she loves her family. 

Saturday, 27 July 2019


The Handsome Lonely Prince

There was a handsome prince who lived in the woods. Sadly for him, his parents were
eaten by a monster with googly eyes. He went out for a walk, then a wicked witch
appeared out of nowhere and said. “You do know this a haunted forest?”
Then she cackled with an evil laugh.

The Handsome prince ran away, and at last, he got away from her.
He was walking along a beautiful pond, he came across a frog that was so slimy and
warty. He felt something was wrong. Then he’d realized the frog speaks! He stared at
the frog like a possum in shock. The frog said. “You look so lonely, come, come, come
with me.” The handsome prince followed.

They arrived at their destination. The prince was very confused. The frog said “Here you
go my princess, I've found a handsome prince that is lonely. He may be the perfect
match.” The princess looked at the prince. Then set her eyes on the frog “I’m sorry
clover, I don’t think this ‘love at first sight’ works. Maybe we could talk and I’ll alert you
when I think he’s perfect”. 

A few days later, the prince and princess met up and they talked. The princess asked
him “so, what’s the story with your parents?”. This triggered the prince and he felt so
bitter. “it’s a long story, maybe we can talk about this tomorrow” the prince said. 

The next day, the prince woke up in a weird, filthy place. It smelled disgusting!
The floor was damp and he was covered in dirt. It was so dark. He started to panic and
tried standing but he was tied up in ropes. 

Suddenly someone slowly opened the door. The prince was struggling to see.
She came into the beam of light shining through the broken window. And the prince
clicked! It was the princess! He was so confused. “P-p-princess? Is that you?” he asked
confusedly. The princess stroked his hair. “Do not worry my love, it’ll all be okay”.
The prince tried to wiggle his way out of the firm ropes. “Why are you doing this?”
the prince asked. But the princess turned her back on him and walked out. “PRINCESS!!
ANSWER ME! COME BACK!” the prince shouted. 

He heard a car engine start. He was worried and confused not knowing what to do!
So he continued to try and wiggle out of the ropes. He managed to get out of the
ropes. He tried to open the door, but it didn't work. So the prince climbed out through
the tiny window. He was contemplating to do it or not. So he thought to himself,
“it’s either this window or trap yourself in here”. So the prince climbed out the tiny
window. He climbed through and ended up with cuts and bruises.
He limped his way back to his castle and never saw the princess again.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Metaphors and Similes.

                                     Activity 1:

At the end of the sentence, write in brackets whether the sentence is an
example of a metaphor or simile.

Eg. The clouds were fluffy like cotton wool. (SIMILE)

  1. As slippery as an eel. (simile)
  2. Arnie was a man-mountain. (metaphor)
  3. He was a lion in battle. (metaphor)
  4. She is as pretty as a picture. (metaphor)
  5. The striker was a goal machine. (metaphor)
  6. The torch lit up the room as if the sun had risen early. (simile)
  7. The moon was a misty shadow. (metaphor)
  8. My friend has a face like a bag of spanners. (simile)

Activity 2:
Simile or Metaphor? 

A metaphor compares two different things, usually with the word “is.” 
A simile also compares two different things but uses words such as “like” or “as.”
 Look at each of the following sentences and answer the questions below. 
Example: Our class is a buzzing beehive today. 
This is a metaphor
This means: 
  1. OUr class is especially busy today
  2. A bee got into our classroom.

1. The assembly was like watching grass grow. 
This is a: metaphor
This means : Option A
  1. Not very much happened at the assembly.
  2. The assembly was green.

2. His hands were as cold as ice. 
This is a: Simile
This means: Option B
a) His hands were wet.
b) His hands were extremely cold.

3. The kitten is a fluffy cloud. 
This is a: Metaphor
This means: Option A
  1. The kitten is furry and white
  2. The kitten sleeps all day.

4. I’m as hungry as a bear. 
This is a: Simile
This means: Option B
  1. I’m not very hungry.
  2. I’m really hungry. 

Traditional Prayers.

Friday 26 July
In religious education, our main focus is on Traditional Prayers e.g. the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Apostles Creed. 

Balloon Car Challenge.

Friday 26 July
Task: reflect on how your balloon car went.

I think our idea was creative. I also think that our base was strong and the right size.

We used rubber bands to keep the wheels in place.
The wheels were too heavy to move.
The straws that we used were cardboard which was weak. 

What could we improve?
We could improve the wheels next time. We should use smaller and lighter wheels.
The wheels we used were too huge and heavy. We could also use plastic straws to
hold the wheels & balloons. Maybe coffee stirrers. 

Thursday, 25 July 2019


Thursday 25 July

We were given the task to use 4 digits from 0 - 9 to make 31 using any math operation. 
I worked with Faye and Solomone and this was how we organized ours. 

I learned that when we are given a task like this, the first operation that should be used is multiplication or division.