The Handsome Lonely Prince
There was a handsome prince who lived in the woods. Sadly for him, his parents were
eaten by a monster with googly eyes. He went out for a walk, then a wicked witch
appeared out of nowhere and said. “You do know this a haunted forest?”
Then she cackled with an evil laugh.
The Handsome prince ran away, and at last, he got away from her.
He was walking along a beautiful pond, he came across a frog that was so slimy and
warty. He felt something was wrong. Then he’d realized the frog speaks! He stared at
the frog like a possum in shock. The frog said. “You look so lonely, come, come, come
with me.” The handsome prince followed.
They arrived at their destination. The prince was very confused. The frog said “Here you
go my princess, I've found a handsome prince that is lonely. He may be the perfect
match.” The princess looked at the prince. Then set her eyes on the frog “I’m sorry
clover, I don’t think this ‘love at first sight’ works. Maybe we could talk and I’ll alert you
when I think he’s perfect”.
A few days later, the prince and princess met up and they talked. The princess asked
him “so, what’s the story with your parents?”. This triggered the prince and he felt so
bitter. “it’s a long story, maybe we can talk about this tomorrow” the prince said.
The next day, the prince woke up in a weird, filthy place. It smelled disgusting!
The floor was damp and he was covered in dirt. It was so dark. He started to panic and
tried standing but he was tied up in ropes.
Suddenly someone slowly opened the door. The prince was struggling to see.
She came into the beam of light shining through the broken window. And the prince
clicked! It was the princess! He was so confused. “P-p-princess? Is that you?” he asked
confusedly. The princess stroked his hair. “Do not worry my love, it’ll all be okay”.
The prince tried to wiggle his way out of the firm ropes. “Why are you doing this?”
the prince asked. But the princess turned her back on him and walked out. “PRINCESS!!
ANSWER ME! COME BACK!” the prince shouted.
He heard a car engine start. He was worried and confused not knowing what to do!
So he continued to try and wiggle out of the ropes. He managed to get out of the
ropes. He tried to open the door, but it didn't work. So the prince climbed out through
the tiny window. He was contemplating to do it or not. So he thought to himself,
“it’s either this window or trap yourself in here”. So the prince climbed out the tiny
window. He climbed through and ended up with cuts and bruises.
He limped his way back to his castle and never saw the princess again.