Facts about turtles:
- Turtles have a hard shell on top of them that protects them. So basically a shield. It's call a carapace
- They also have a shell below them. It's called a plastron.
- Many turtles can hide underneath their shells when their getting attacked by predators.
- Turtles are reptiles.
- Turtles live on land AND sea
- Turtles are reaaalllyyy slow.
- They also lay eggs.
- Like other reptiles, turtles are cold blooded.
- Some turtles lay eggs in the sand and leave them to hatch by theirself.
I chose to be a turtle because we have a lot in common.
Things I can connect with being a turtle:
- I moan a lot
- I’m slow
- I’m lazy
- I protect myself with my arms
- I like both sea and land