
Friday, 27 October 2017

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

My typing test

I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster. ~ Monday ~ Today
For example

On Monday my WPM result was 68 and today it is 73.
I have been practicing so my result is higher and I can type quicker.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

My silent reading.

Today I started off with a new book and finished my previous book. I started yesterday and read to page 1-9. Today I read from 9 - 31.
Through the pages I read, were full of laughter. It's basically Greg's 'journal'. He talks about his first days of the week and how his brother Rodrick ALWAYS pranks and messes with him. I could imagine the same with my brother ! He also talks about his friends but I won't get into detail. I chose this book because after I watched the movies about 2 years ago? It made me want to read the book & I finally got the chance to read it.
Image result for diary of a wimpy kid

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

My Cricket Recount.

Title: “Second time’s a fail & third time’s a charm I guess”
At school, famous sport trainers come into the school every tuesday. They come on the second week of the term. At the moment, our kiwi sport is Cricket. Our Coach name is Sahl.

“Good morning everyone!” our coach said as he clapped his hands. “Your class is ?....” he asked. We are Room 5!

On Tuesday we played cricket and I felt glad and renewed. I know renewed isn’t the word to you, but let me break this down. Back then, my family used to play cricket at Pt England park. The reason we’re into it SO MUCH is because it’s kind of a family sport. We are apart of a church that plays games every year. Okay! Back to the story.

Anyways, we were put into two teams. Palu and Laki. They were the captions of both two teams. I was put into Palus team. Both team captains were to do rock, paper. scissors to see who’s fielding or batting. Palu won and our team batted first.

We then had to get into a pair of two for each bat on the left and right. For our first lesson, we played a game of cricket. My partner was Trina.  

Finally ! It was our turn. Trina was first. She didn’t miss the first bat but I did. “Ugh! RUN! RUN!” Trina shouted, we only ran 1 time because Trina hit it close but it was a great bat !

It was my turn. I haven’t played cricket in a year ! That’s why I felt renewed. Just as I swing the bat, I miss and swing the bat in the air. “Ugh!” I felt embarrassed ! But second time’s charm! So is third. & just as I couragely swing the ball … I run to the other side but Etuale catches the ball! “WHY?!” I thought to myself “Guess second time’s a fail & third time’s a charm!” and I frown on my face just as I walked away from the base. I reckon Trina DOES NOT want to be my partner again.

That moment was so embarrassing.

Friday, 20 October 2017

My typing test

I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

Today I got 352/70 WPM and did the test again and got 403/81 WPM. I can see I've been typing faster each week I do this test. 

Maths 2-D and 3-D Shapes.

2-D Shape Slides ~
Learning Goal - I am learning to explore the properties of 2-D Shapes.

3-D Shape Slides ~

Learning Goal - I am learning to explore the properties of 2-D Shapes.

Monday, 16 October 2017

My Traditional Prayer.


Learning Goal ~ Learning Goal 
I am learning to say the traditional prayer which is
 included in the celebration of the Eucharist